I got a little sidelined by a sore hip, and took some time off to recover. It has been harder than expected to pick it back up again after only a couple months off!
Here is what I am currently up to:
Master's swimming (will post about this one at a later date)Training for Ragnar Relay (August 17-18...will be here before I know it!)
Trying to increase my runs to prepare for a fall half marathon
Debating which half marathon that may be???
Generally trying to have fun with random crosstraining (including Zumba!) to help prevent future injuries.
Oh yeah, and...trying to sell our house, having a new house built, going on vacation, working, enjoying my family, you know...life!
Although it is tough, it feels so good to be "working on my fitness" again!
Today's workout - 4.17 miles on hilly terrain around my neighborhood. I didn't think there were that many hills nearby, but wow was that tough! or maybe it has something to do with the treadmill hill workout I did only a couple days ago? Today was only suppose to be an easy run, but what was I suppose to do? Turn the other way when I came across a hill? I need to be able to kill those hills in a couple weeks at Ragnar!!
Run: 4.17mi 45:37 (10:57) hilly